June 21, 2024

Top Diary Services Comprehensive Guide Sourcing from China.

Top 10 diary services in China introduce,list main products and website if have

In China, the need for diary and journaling services has given rise to various platforms catering to personal and professional diary-keeping. Here are the top 10 diary services, their main products, and websites:

1. Midu Diary

– Main Products: Digital diary app, mood tracking, multimedia logging

– Website: midudairy.com

2. Journey

– Main Products: Cross-platform diary app, cloud sync, journal templates

– Website: journey.cloud

3. Day One

– Main Products: Multi-platform diary app, encrypted entries, photo and video integration

– Website: dayoneapp.com

4. Todoist (with diary features)

– Main Products: Task management, integrated diary and note-taking features

– Website: todoist.com

5. Penzu

– Main Products: Private online diary, custom journal entries, secure encryption

– Website: penzu.com

6. Grid Diary

– Main Products: Customizable grid layout for journal prompts, multimedia support

– Website: griddiaryapp.com

7. Daylio

– Main Products: Micro-diary, mood tracker, statistical insights on mood patterns

– Website: daylio.net

8. SomNote

– Main Products: Cloud-based note-taking and diary app, multimedia support

– Website: somcloud.com

9. Evernote (with diary features)

– Main Products: Note-taking app, diary functions, cloud sync, multimedia notes

– Website: evernote.com

10. Diaro

– Main Products: Multi-device diary app, photo attachments, location tagging

– Website: diaroapp.com

These services offer diverse features like cloud sync, multimedia support, customization options, and encryption, making them popular among users in China for both personal and professional journaling.

diary services

Background Research for diary services in China, use qcc.com archive.org importyeti.com

Researching the dairy services sector in China involves leveraging multiple data sources like qcc.com, archive.org, and importyeti.com.


qcc.com is a comprehensive business database in China that offers detailed information on companies’ financial health, ownership, operational status, and industrial classification. By using qcc.com, one can assess major dairy service providers, analyze their growth trajectories, and understand market leadership. Some leading companies in the dairy sector include Yili Group, Mengniu Dairy, and Bright Dairy.


Archive.org, a digital archive, preserves web pages and documents that can provide historical perspectives and trends in the dairy market. For instance, historical annual reports, market analysis articles, and news coverage preserved on archive.org can provide insights into the evolution of the dairy industry, technological advancements, consumer preferences, and regulatory changes that impact dairy production and distribution.


ImportYeti.com can be particularly useful for understanding the import dynamics of the dairy industry in China. By using shipment data from ImportYeti, one can identify key international suppliers, assess the volume and frequency of imports, and understand China’s dependency on foreign dairy products. This is vital for grasping the supply chain intricacies and the influence of international trade policies on domestic dairy services.

Combining insights from these resources allows for a comprehensive understanding of China’s dairy services landscape. qcc.com provides contemporary corporate data and market positions, archive.org helps trace historical development and changes, while ImportYeti.com reveals international trade patterns and supplier relationships. This multifaceted approach ensures a well-rounded view of the current state and future prospects of dairy services in China.

diary services

Price Cost Research for diary services in China, use 1688.com and deepl.com translate Chinese to English

Conducting price cost research for diary services in China can reveal significant insights into market dynamics and cost structures. Here’s a concise method to perform this research using 1688.com and DeepL for translation:

1. Access 1688.com:

1688.com is a popular B2B e-commerce platform in China, often referred to as the ‘Alibaba of China.’ It specializes in bulk purchasing and wholesale transactions, ideal for gauging service prices.

2. Search for Diary Services:

– Use Chinese keywords to search effectively. For diary services, input “日记服务” (rìjì fúwù).

– Browse through listings to find relevant service providers.

3. Analyze Listings:

– Evaluate the listings for cost details, minimum order quantities, and service descriptions.

– Note the price range for different diary services offered.

4. Translation using DeepL:

– DeepL is a powerful translation tool that translates Chinese text to English with high accuracy.

– Copy the Chinese text from the 1688.com listings and translate it using DeepL to comprehensively understand service details and costs.

Example Findings:

– Listing 1: “日记服务,包含定制封面与页眉,价格:¥1000-¥5000每月起” (Diary service, including custom cover and headers, price: ¥1000-¥5000 per month starting).

– Listing 2: “个人日记撰写服务,价格:¥800每月” (Personal diary writing service, price: ¥800 per month).

– Listing 3: “日记管理系统服务,价格根据需求定制” (Diary management system service, price customized based on requirements).


Prices for diary services on 1688.com range broadly based on service specifics and customizations, starting approximately at ¥800 per month for basic personal writing services and going up to ¥5000 or more for comprehensive, customized solutions. This data helps in understanding market averages and setting competitive pricing strategies.

Use this streamlined process to conduct thorough price cost research efficiently.

Compare China and Other diary services: Products Quality and Price,Visible and Hidden Costs

When comparing dairy products from China to other countries, several factors come into play: product quality, price, and both visible and hidden costs.

Product Quality:

Chinese dairy products have historically faced quality concerns, including issues related to contamination and food safety. However, in recent years, significant improvements have been made, driven by stringent regulations and modernization of production processes. Conversely, dairy products from countries like New Zealand, the United States, and Europe are often lauded for their high quality, stringent safety standards, and strong regulatory oversight. These regions typically benefit from better feed quality, advanced farming practices, and more robust supply chains, which contribute to superior product quality.


Chinese dairy products are generally more affordable due to lower production and labor costs. However, the price advantage can sometimes come at the expense of quality and food safety. Imported dairy products tend to be more expensive, reflecting their higher production and transportation costs. Consumers often pay a premium for perceived higher quality and safety.

Visible and Hidden Costs:

Visible costs include the retail price and potential tariffs on imported goods. Chinese dairy products have lower visible costs primarily due to local production and reduced transportation expenses.

Hidden costs for Chinese dairy may encompass health risks and potential medical expenses stemming from lower quality or safety standards. Environmental impacts due to less regulated farming practices can also fall under hidden costs, affecting long-term sustainability. On the other hand, imported dairy typically comes with fewer hidden health risks but might incur higher hidden costs related to environmental impacts from transportation and farming practices.

In summary, while Chinese dairy products may be more cost-effective, concerns over quality and hidden costs should be carefully considered. Higher-priced imports often offer better quality and safety, which can mitigate hidden costs in the long run.

Tips for Procurement and Considerations when Purchasing from diary services

When procuring from dairy services, it’s essential to balance quality, cost, and sustainability. Here are some tips and considerations:

1. Quality Assurance:

– Certification: Ensure the dairy service provider has relevant certifications, such as HACCP, ISO, or organic certifications.

– Product Testing: Regularly perform product testing for contaminants and nutritional content.

2. Supplier Reliability:

– Reputation: Research the supplier’s market reputation and customer reviews.

– Track Record: Examine the supplier’s history for consistency in quality and timely deliveries.

3. Sustainability:

– Ethical Sourcing: Prioritize suppliers committed to animal welfare and sustainable farming practices.

– Environmental Impact: Consider suppliers with minimal carbon footprint and responsible waste management.

4. Cost Management:

– Bulk Purchasing: Negotiate bulk pricing contracts to leverage economies of scale.

– Transparent Pricing: Seek clarity on pricing structures to avoid hidden costs.

5. Regulatory Compliance:

– Local Regulations: Ensure compliance with local and international food safety standards.

– Label Accuracy: Verify that product labeling is accurate and meets regulatory requirements.

6. Supply Chain Efficiency:

– Proximity: Choose suppliers closer to your location to reduce transportation time and costs.

– Logistics: Evaluate their supply chain logistics for efficiency and reliability.

7. Flexibility and Innovation:

– Product Range: Opt for suppliers who offer a diverse product range to meet varying customer demands.

– Innovation: Prioritize suppliers investing in innovation for better product quality and safety.

8. Contract Terms:

– Clear Agreements: Ensure the contract outlines delivery timelines, quality expectations, return policies, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

By considering these factors, you can ensure a reliable, cost-effective, and sustainable procurement process from dairy services.

diary services

FAQs on Sourcing and Manufacturing from diary services in China

FAQs on Sourcing and Manufacturing from Dairy Services in China

1. Why source dairy products from China?

– China offers a broad range of dairy products at competitive prices. The country has advanced manufacturing facilities and a skilled workforce, ensuring quality and efficiency. Additionally, China’s robust supply chain and logistics networks contribute to timely deliveries and reduced transportation costs.

2. What types of dairy products can be sourced from China?

– China produces various dairy products including milk powder, cheese, yoghurt, butter, and liquid milk. Specialty items such as infant formula and nutritional supplements are also widely available.

3. How do I ensure the quality of dairy products from China?

– Conduct due diligence by verifying supplier certifications such as ISO, HACCP, and GMP. Hiring a third-party inspection service can ensure factory audits and product testing. Request product samples for evaluation before placing large orders.

4. What regulations must be considered?

– Dairy products must comply with both local Chinese standards and the regulations of the importing country. Ensuring compliance with the Food Safety Law of China, and obtaining necessary export permits is crucial. Always verify labeling and packaging requirements to meet international standards.

5. How to identify reliable suppliers?

– Utilize platforms like Alibaba, Global Sources, and Made-in-China, but also consider direct factory visits. Check supplier ratings, reviews, and request references. Engaging local sourcing agents can provide added assurance and facilitate negotiations.

6. What are the payment terms commonly used?

– Common payment terms include T/T (Telegraphic Transfer), L/C (Letter of Credit), and D/P (Documents against Payment). It is advisable to negotiate payment milestones aligned with production stages for risk mitigation.

7. Are there any logistics considerations?

– Understanding Incoterms (International Commercial Terms) is key. Common options are FOB (Free on Board) and CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight). Partnering with a reliable freight forwarder can simplify customs clearance and streamline the shipping process.

8. How can intellectual property be protected?

– Register trademarks and patents in China early. Draft clear contracts with clauses specifying confidentiality and intellectual property rights. Engaging local legal counsel can help navigate and enforce IP laws effectively.

By addressing these common questions, businesses can better navigate the complexities of sourcing and manufacturing dairy products in China.

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