June 21, 2024

Top Cnc Fabrications Comprehensive Guide Sourcing from China.

Top 10 cnc fabrications in China introduce,list main products and website if have

Certainly! Here are the top 10 CNC (Computer Numerical Control) fabrication companies in China, focusing on their main products and website links:

1. Protolabs China

– Main Products: Rapid prototyping, 3D printing, CNC machining, injection molding.

– Website: protolabs.cn

2. HLH Prototypes Co., Ltd.

– Main Products: CNC machining, vacuum casting, injection molding, rapid tooling.

– Website: hlhprototypes.com

3. Dongguan Suntime Precision Machining Co., Ltd.

– Main Products: CNC milling, turning, grinding, EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining).

– Website: stin.com.cn

4. Runsom Precision Co., Ltd.

– Main Products: CNC milling, CNC turning, rapid prototyping, injection molding.

– Website: runsom.com

5. ZhuanXin Precision Co., Ltd.

– Main Products: CNC machining, precision parts, prototyping, complex component manufacturing.

– Website: zxmade.com

6. CNC Rapid (Aurostar Technology Co., Ltd.)

– Main Products: CNC machining, 3D printing, rapid prototyping.

– Website: cncrapid.com

7. Tuowei Prototype

– Main Products: Rapid prototyping, CNC machining, injection molding, vacuum casting.

– Website: tuowei-mockup.com

8. HLH Rapid

– Main Products: CNC machining, 3D printing, injection molding, sheet metal fabrication.

– Website: hlhrapid.com

9. Createproto

– Main Products: CNC machining, rapid prototyping, injection molding.

– Website: createproto.com

10. PTJ Machining

– Main Products: CNC machining services, rapid prototyping, precision parts manufacturing.

– Website: pncllc.com

These companies are renowned for their advanced CNC fabrication services, and provide a wide array of products ranging from rapid prototypes to intricate precision parts.

cnc fabrications

Background Research for cnc fabrications in China, use qcc.com archive.org importyeti.com

CNC fabrication in China is a robust industry, characterized by advanced technology, competitive pricing, and high production capacity. China is recognized as one of the global leaders in CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining, offering various services like milling, turning, and precision machining. Utilizing resources like qcc.com, archive.org, and importyeti.com can provide insights into this industry.


QCC.com is an invaluable resource for understanding company information within China. This platform offers detailed profiles, including company history, financial status, and industry certifications, which helps in identifying reputable CNC fabrication companies. Searching CNC-related firms on QCC can reveal significant players in the market and their operational scale.


Archive.org provides historical context by allowing users to view past web pages and documents. This can be particularly useful to track the evolution of CNC companies in China, technological advancements, and market trends over time. By exploring archived web pages of major CNC fabrication firms, one can gain insights into their growth trajectories and strategic developments.


ImportYeti.com specializes in tracking import and export data. It can be instrumental in assessing the global demand for CNC products fabricated in China. By analyzing trade records, one can pinpoint major buyers of Chinese CNC machined parts and understand the international reach of Chinese manufacturers. Additionally, it reveals partnerships between Chinese suppliers and foreign companies, highlighting trusted sources for CNC components.

Overall, leveraging these platforms can provide a comprehensive overview of China’s CNC fabrication industry, spotlighting key players, historical growth, and international trade dynamics. This approach ensures a well-rounded understanding, aiding strategic decision-making for businesses seeking to engage with Chinese CNC fabricators.

cnc fabrications

Price Cost Research for cnc fabrications in China, use 1688.com and deepl.com translate Chinese to English

Conducting price cost research for CNC fabrications in China using 1688.com and Deepl.com for translation can be an efficient way to gather data. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you:

1. Access 1688.com: This is a major e-commerce platform in China akin to Alibaba but caters more to the domestic market. The site is in Chinese, so using Deepl.com for translation will be necessary.

2. Search for CNC Fabrications: Input keywords like “CNC加工” (CNC machining) or “CNC制造” (CNC manufacturing) in the search bar. Filter results by relevant categories such as material type, processing type, and more.

3. Analyze Listings: Look at multiple listings to get a range of prices. Pay attention to:

– Unit Price: Often displayed per piece, kilogram, or batch.

– Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ): The smallest quantity a supplier is willing to sell.

– Product Specifications: Understand what is included in the pricing such as material, complexity of design, and additional services (e.g., finishing, shipping).

4. Use Deepl.com: Copy relevant text from 1688.com and paste it into Deepl.com to translate it from Chinese to English. This will help you understand product descriptions, pricing details, and seller notes.

5. Compare and Document Prices: Note down the prices from different suppliers and identify the average cost for various types of CNC fabrication services. Remember to consider the added costs like shipping and import duties.

6. Contact Suppliers for Quotes: Use the platform’s messaging system to contact suppliers directly. Ask for detailed quotes and any possible discounts for bulk orders.

Example Summary:

– Product: Aluminum CNC Machined Parts

– Price Range: ¥10-¥50 per piece ($1.5-$7.5 USD based on current exchange rates)

– MOQ: 100 pieces

– Additional Info: Prices vary based on part complexity and additional services like anodizing or heat treatment.

Conclusion: By comparing multiple suppliers, you can find a favorable average price range. For detailed and specific costs, direct communication with suppliers will be necessary.

This summary should provide a solid starting point for understanding CNC fabrication costs in China using 1688.com.

Compare China and Other cnc fabrications: Products Quality and Price,Visible and Hidden Costs

When comparing CNC fabrications from China to those from other regions, several key factors stand out: product quality, pricing, and cost structures.

Product Quality:

– China: Chinese CNC products vary widely in quality. While high-end manufacturers meet international standards, there are many low-cost producers whose products may suffer from inconsistencies and lower durability.

– Other Regions: For instance, North America and Europe generally offer higher-quality CNC products with stringent quality control and better material selection. Japanese CNC manufacturers are also reputed for precision and reliability.


– China: Chinese CNC offerings are highly competitive on price, often undercutting international markets by leveraging lower labor costs.

– Other Regions: Prices are higher, reflecting better quality materials, advanced technology, and adherence to rigorous standards.

Visible Costs:

– China: Upfront costs for Chinese CNC products are lower, making them attractive for budget-conscious buyers.

– Other Regions: Higher initial investment due to superior quality and compliance with international certifications.

Hidden Costs:

– China: Common hidden costs include higher rates of defects, potential delays in shipping, and language barriers, which can complicate quality assurance and after-sales service.

– Other Regions: Less prevalent hidden costs, but you may encounter higher shipping fees and longer lead times for customized orders.

Maintenance and Longevity:

– China: Lower lifespan and higher maintenance needs may inflate long-term costs.

– Other Regions: Longer lifespan and reliability reduce the frequency of repairs and replacements.

In summary, Chinese CNC fabrications offer cost advantages but may entail risks related to quality and additional hidden costs. In contrast, CNC products from other regions are typically more expensive yet provide higher reliability and lower long-term costs due to better quality and fewer hidden issues.

Tips for Procurement and Considerations when Purchasing from cnc fabrications

When procuring from CNC fabrications, efficient purchasing hinges on astute planning and keen attention to detail. Here are essential tips and considerations:

1. Define Requirements Clearly: Be explicit about material types, tolerances, quantities, and finish specifications. Clear communication of requirements prevents costly mistakes and delays.

2. Vendor Evaluation: Assess vendors based on expertise, reliability, and past performance. Check reviews, request samples, and visit facilities if feasible.

3. Quality Standards: Ensure the vendor adheres to industry standards (ISO, ASME) and has robust quality control measures. Certifications can be a pivotal factor.

4. Lead Times: Confirm realistic lead times and incorporate buffer periods for unexpected delays. This is crucial for managing project timelines effectively.

5. Prototype First: Before mass production, request prototypes to verify the vendor’s capability to meet your specifications. This helps in identifying and rectifying any issues early.

6. Material Selection: Opt for the right materials that align with your project requirements. Consult with the supplier about the most cost-effective and suitable materials.

7. Cost Analysis: Beyond comparing per-unit costs, consider setup fees, tooling costs, and potential hidden costs. Utilize a total cost of ownership approach for a comprehensive evaluation.

8. Supplier Relationship: Foster a collaborative relationship with suppliers through consistent communication and feedback. A reliable partnership can result in better terms and quicker problem resolution.

9. Logistics and Shipment: Account for shipping times, costs, and potential customs duties. Choose suppliers with robust logistical capabilities for timely and safe delivery.

10. Documentation: Keep thorough records of contracts, quotes, and communications. Proper documentation ensures accountability and traceability throughout the procurement process.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can streamline procurement, ensure product quality, and build productive relationships with CNC fabrication vendors.

cnc fabrications

FAQs on Sourcing and Manufacturing from cnc fabrications in China

FAQs on Sourcing and Manufacturing from CNC Fabrications in China

1. Why choose CNC fabrications from China?

China offers cost-effective CNC machining services due to its streamlined manufacturing processes, advanced technology, and lower labor costs. Additionally, a well-established supply chain and skilled labor contribute to higher efficiency and quality.

2. What types of CNC services are available in China?

Chinese manufacturers provide a broad range of CNC services, including milling, turning, drilling, and grinding. They cater to various materials like metals, plastics, and composites.

3. How do I select a reliable CNC fabrication supplier?

Look for suppliers with certifications like ISO 9001. Check customer reviews, request samples, and verify their production capabilities. Visiting the factory for an audit can also help ensure quality and reliability.

4. What are the common lead times for CNC machined parts in China?

Lead times typically range from 2 to 6 weeks, depending on complexity and volume. Rapid prototyping can be completed in a few days to a week.

5. How is intellectual property (IP) protected in China?

Use Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) and Non-Compete Agreements (NCAs). Register your IP in China to have legal leverage in case of infringement. Work with established suppliers with good reputations for respecting IP rights.

6. What quality control measures should I consider?

Ensure the supplier has robust quality control processes, such as first-article inspection, in-process quality checks, and final inspections. Third-party audits and inspections can also guarantee adherence to specifications.

7. What are the communication challenges, and how to overcome them?

Language barriers and time-zone differences are common. Employ bilingual staff, use clear and concise documentation, and establish a reliable communication protocol, typically through emails and video calls.

8. How are payments typically managed?

Payments are often made through international wire transfers, PayPal, or letters of credit. It’s common to pay a deposit upfront (30-50%) and the balance upon completion or shipment.

9. Are there any import duties or tariffs?

Yes, import duties and tariffs vary depending on your country. Consult with a customs broker to understand the applicable fees and compliance requirements.

10. What logistics options are available?

Air freight is faster but more expensive than sea freight, which is cost-effective for bulk orders. Suppliers can handle shipping arrangements, or you can use a freight forwarder for more control.

Ensuring due diligence and clear communication helps in leveraging the advantages of CNC fabrication in China effectively.

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