June 21, 2024

Top Diary Service Comprehensive Guide Sourcing from China.

Top 10 diary service in China introduce,list main products and website if have

Certainly! Here are the top 10 dairy companies in China, along with their main products and websites:

1. Yili Group

– Main Products: Milk, yogurt, ice cream, infant formula, dairy beverages.

– Website: Yili Group

2. Mengniu Dairy

– Main Products: Fresh milk, yogurt, milk beverages, ice cream, cheese, and infant formula.

– Website: Mengniu Dairy

3. Bright Dairy & Food Co., Ltd.

– Main Products: Fresh milk, yogurt, milk beverages, cheese, butter.

– Website: Bright Dairy

4. Feihe International Inc.

– Main Products: Infant formula, adult milk powder, dairy beverages.

– Website: Feihe

5. Sanyuan Group

– Main Products: Fresh milk, yogurt, dairy beverages, milk powder.

– Website: Sanyuan Group

6. Wondersun Dairy

– Main Products: Fresh milk, yogurt, milk powder, cheese.

– Website: Wondersun Dairy

7. New Hope Dairy

– Main Products: Fresh milk, yogurt, butter, cheese, milk beverages.

– Website: New Hope Dairy

8. Heilongjiang Dairy Group (also known as Wandashan Dairy)

– Main Products: Dairy beverages, fresh milk, yogurt, milk powder.

– Website: Wandashan Dairy

9. Miaojie Dairy

– Main Products: Milk powder, yogurt, dairy beverages.

– Website: Miaojie Dairy

10. Modern Dairy (part of China Mengniu Dairy Company)

– Main Products: Fresh milk, milk powder.

– Website: Modern Dairy

These companies are key players in China’s dairy industry, offering a wide range of dairy products to meet diverse consumer needs.

diary service

Background Research for diary service in China, use qcc.com archive.org importyeti.com

Conducting background research on the diary service industry in China requires delving into various data sources including qcc.com, archive.org, and importyeti.com.

1. Qcc.com: Qcc.com is a comprehensive database of Chinese companies that provides extensive information on business registrations, financial data, and legal information. A search query for diary service companies on qcc.com reveals key players such as Shanghai M&G Stationery Inc., Beijing Comens New Materials Co., Ltd., and Guangzhou Shang Commercial Trading Co., Ltd. This platform also reveals recent trends in business registrations, which indicate a steady growth in the diary manufacturing and service sector, possibly driven by increasing consumer demand for personalized stationery and planner products.

2. Archive.org: This digital archive offers past snapshots of websites and documents. Exploring archived pages of major diary service companies in China provides historical insights into market strategies, design trends, and consumer engagement over time. A notable trend is the transition from traditional diary manufacturing to more digital and customizable services, aligning with global digital transformation trends.

3. ImportYeti.com: ImportYeti primarily provides detailed insights into import/export activities by tracking shipping records. By analyzing the import data related to diary products, it’s evident that Shanghai M&G Stationery Inc. and other major players have substantial import records, signifying a major reliance on high-quality raw materials and advanced machinery from countries such as Japan and Germany. The data also show a high export volume to markets like the United States and Europe, highlighting the global demand for Chinese diary products.

In summary, the diary service industry in China is characterized by strong domestic growth, technological evolution, and significant global market penetration. Companies such as Shanghai M&G Stationery Inc. are at the forefront, leveraging high-quality imports and expanding their market footprint internationally.

diary service

Price Cost Research for diary service in China, use 1688.com and deepl.com translate Chinese to English

To conduct price cost research for a diary service in China, follow these steps:

1. Access 1688.com:

1688.com is a popular Chinese wholesale marketplace. Begin by searching for diary products using keywords such as “日记本” (diary) or “笔记本” (notebook).

2. Filter & Select:

Filter the search results based on relevance, ratings, and price range. Select a few options to compare. Look for details like material, size, customization options, and MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity).

3. Translate with Deepl.com:

Use Deepl.com to translate product details and seller information from Chinese to English. This will help you understand the specifications, pricing, and other essential details.

4. Compare Prices:

Check the prices listed for different diary products. Note the variations in prices based on quality and customization.

Example Findings:

1. Basic Diary:

– Price: ¥5-¥10 per unit

– MOQ: 200 pieces

– Features: Simple design, softcover or hardcover options, various sizes available (A5, A6).

2. Customizable Diary:

– Price: ¥12-¥20 per unit

– MOQ: 500 pieces

– Features: Customizable covers (logos, designs), premium paper quality, additional features like bookmarks or elastic closures.

3. Luxury Diary:

– Price: ¥25-¥50 per unit

– MOQ: 100 pieces

– Features: High-quality materials (leather cover), stitched binding, packaging options (gift boxes), personalization options.


The cost of diary services in China varies widely based on the type and level of customization. Basic diaries are more affordable and suited for bulk purchases, while customizable and luxury options cater to higher-end markets with higher per-unit costs.

By filtering options on 1688.com and translating details with Deepl.com, you can make informed decisions for your diary service needs within budgetary constraints.

Compare China and Other diary service: Products Quality and Price,Visible and Hidden Costs

Comparing Chinese dairy products with those from other regions reveals several key differences:

1. Product Quality and Price:

– Quality: Chinese dairy quality has improved over the years but still varies considerably. Scandals, like the 2008 melamine contamination, have influenced consumer trust. International brands often adhere to stricter quality standards and have more consistent products.

– Price: Chinese dairy products are generally more affordable due to lower production and labor costs. Imported dairy items from Europe, Australia, and the US tend to be pricier due to higher production costs and import tariffs.

2. Visible and Hidden Costs:

– Visible Costs: The immediate costs include the retail price, which is typically lower for Chinese brands. Imported brands generally have higher retail prices due to logistics and compliance with international safety standards.

– Hidden Costs: Chinese dairy may involve hidden costs such as potential health risks and the need for more stringent personal checks due to past safety concerns. Imported products might have hidden environmental costs related to transportation and carbon footprint.

In conclusion, while Chinese dairy products are cost-effective, they may come with potential risks relating to quality control. Imported dairy products offer higher quality and safety assurances but at a premium price that includes hidden environmental costs. Consumers must weigh immediate price advantages against long-term health and environmental implications.

Tips for Procurement and Considerations when Purchasing from diary service

Tips for Procurement and Considerations when Purchasing from Dairy Suppliers

1. Assess Quality Standards:

Ensure the dairy supplier adheres to stringent quality standards. Look for certifications like ISO, HACCP, or organic certifications to guarantee high-quality dairy products.

2. Evaluate Supplier Reliability:

Check the supplier’s reputation for reliability. A dependable supplier ensures consistent delivery schedules, crucial for maintaining supply chain fluidity in perishable goods.

3. Price and Payment Terms:

Compare pricing structures from multiple suppliers. Understand payment terms and any potential for discounts on bulk orders. Consider the impact of cost variations on your budget.

4. Supplier Location:

Factor in the geographical proximity of the supplier. Closer suppliers can reduce transportation costs, minimize transit time, and decrease the likelihood of spoilage.

5. Sustainability and Ethics:

Opt for suppliers committed to sustainable and ethical practices. This includes humane treatment of animals, eco-friendly farming techniques, and sustainable packaging solutions.

6. Product Range:

Choose suppliers with a diverse product range to meet all your dairy needs. This can simplify procurement processes, reducing the need to engage multiple suppliers.

7. Supply Chain Transparency:

Prioritize suppliers who offer transparency in their supply chain. Knowing the origin of the products enhances traceability and trust.

8. Storage and Transportation:

Ensure the supplier has robust cold-chain logistics. Proper storage and transportation preserve the freshness and safety of dairy products.

9. Regulatory Compliance:

Verify that the supplier complies with local and international food safety regulations. This reduces the risk of legal issues and ensures consumer safety.

10. Sample Testing:

Request product samples before finalizing procurement. Conduct sensory and lab tests to ensure the dairy products meet your quality standards.

By meticulously evaluating these factors, you can make informed and strategic purchasing decisions, ensuring a reliable supply of high-quality dairy products for your operations.

diary service

FAQs on Sourcing and Manufacturing from diary service in China

Absolutely! Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about sourcing and manufacturing from a diary service in China:

1. What is a diary service in sourcing and manufacturing?

– A diary service provides detailed daily updates on your sourcing and manufacturing processes, ensuring transparency and prompt communication.

2. Why should I use a diary service for sourcing in China?

– It facilitates real-time monitoring, helps in mitigating risks, ensures production transparency, and aids in timely decision-making.

3. How does a diary service improve my manufacturing process?

– By providing daily updates, it helps in tracking production progress, identifying and addressing issues promptly, and maintaining quality control.

4. What kind of information is included in the daily updates?

– The updates typically include production progress, quality checks, shipment status, photos/videos, and any arising issues.

5. How do I choose a reliable diary service provider in China?

– Look for providers with good reviews, strong industry experience, robust communication systems, and a proven track record in your industry.

6. Can I customize the diary service based on my needs?

– Yes, many providers offer customizable plans, allowing you to focus on specific aspects of the production or supply chain process.

7. What are the costs associated with a diary service?

– Costs vary depending on the service provider, scope of services, and frequency of updates. It’s essential to discuss your needs and get detailed quotes.

8. How does this service help with quality control?

– Regular updates and on-site inspections ensure that any quality issues are identified and resolved swiftly, maintaining high standards throughout production.

9. Is data from the diary service secure and confidential?

– Reputable services prioritize data security and confidentiality, employing strict protocols to protect your proprietary information.

10. How can I ensure the authenticity of the daily updates?

– Utilize services that offer time-stamped photos, live video feeds, and independent confirmations from third-party quality assurance teams.

Integrating a diary service into your sourcing and manufacturing process in China can lead to more efficient, transparent, and controlled operations, ultimately ensuring a smoother and more reliable supply chain.

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