June 21, 2024

Top Diary Trader Comprehensive Guide Sourcing from China.

Top 10 diary trader in China introduce,list main products and website if have

As of my knowledge cutoff in 2023, China hosts several prominent dairy traders known for their significant contributions to the industry. Here are the top ten, including their primary products and websites:

1. Yili Group

– Main Products: Milk, yogurt, cheese, milk powder, ice cream

– Website: www.yili.com

2. Mengniu Dairy

– Main Products: Milk, yogurt, milk powder, cheese, ice cream

– Website: www.mengniu.com.cn

3. Bright Dairy & Food Co., Ltd.

– Main Products: Fresh milk, cheese, yogurt, milk powder

– Website: www.brightdairy.com

4. Sanyuan Group

– Main Products: Fresh milk, yogurt, cheese, butter, milk powder

– Website: www.bjsanyuan.com

5. Feihe International Inc.

– Main Products: Infant formula, adult powder, UHT milk, yogurt

– Website: www.feihe.com

6. Beingmate Baby & Child Food Co., Ltd.

– Main Products: Infant formula, children’s dairy products

– Website: www.beingmate.com

7. Synutra International Inc.

– Main Products: Infant formula, nutritional products

– Website: www.synutra.com

8. Yantang Dairy Co., Ltd.

– Main Products: Fresh milk, yogurt, milk powder, cheese

– Website: www.yantang.com

9. Junlebao Dairy Group

– Main Products: Fresh milk, yogurt, infant formula, organic milk powder

– Website: www.junlebaoruye.com

10. New Hope Dairy

– Main Products: Fresh milk, yogurt, cheese, dairy drinks

– Website: www.newhopedairy.com

These companies are instrumental in shaping China’s dairy market, offering a diverse range of high-quality dairy products to local and international consumers.

diary trader

Background Research for diary trader in China, use qcc.com archive.org importyeti.com

Diary trading in China involves the import and export of diaries and related stationery products. Key online resources like QCC.com, Archive.org, and ImportYeti.com offer valuable insights for background research in this industry.

QCC.com: QCC (企业查查) is a comprehensive database that includes detailed company profiles, financials, and legal records. It’s instrumental in understanding diary manufacturers and trading companies in China. A search for diary traders reveals prominent players such as Guangzhou Mixin Stationery Co., Ltd. and Ningbo Youlin Stationery Co., Ltd., highlighting their financial health, registration details, and business operations.

Archive.org: This digital library provides historical snapshots of websites. By using Archive.org, you can explore the development of diary trading companies over time. For instance, examining previous versions of company websites may reveal changes in product lines, market strategies, and customer engagement tactics, providing context about market evolution and trends.

ImportYeti.com: ImportYeti specializes in visualizing import data to show trading relationships. After searching for major diary brands or traders, you can identify their supply chains, key suppliers, and trade volumes. For example, data on Guangzhou Mixin reveals its connections with international buyers and frequent shipment volumes, indicating its role as a significant market player.

Industry Context: The diary trading market in China is robust, driven by both domestic demand and export opportunities. Key factors include China’s extensive manufacturing infrastructure, cost-effective production, and growing consumer appetite for personalized and corporate stationery products. Understanding these elements can help in navigating partnerships, assessing competitors, and identifying market opportunities.

In summary, combining data from QCC.com, Archive.org, and ImportYeti.com offers a comprehensive picture of the diary trading landscape in China, encompassing company specifics, historical context, and trade dynamics.

diary trader

Price Cost Research for diary trader in China, use 1688.com and deepl.com translate Chinese to English

To conduct a price cost research for a diary trader in China, we can use the extensive resources available on 1688.com, a leading wholesale marketplace in China, and utilize Deepl.com for translation from Chinese to English. Here’s how to proceed:

1. Access 1688.com:

– Visit 1688.com which is in Chinese, so use a browser that supports translation or manually translate with Deepl.com.

2. Search for Diaries:

– Use keywords such as “日记本” (diary) or “笔记本” (notebook). Adjust filters for wholesale options and sizing requirements.

3. Data Collection:

– Compile data on prices, minimum order quantities (MOQ), and specifications (e.g., size, pages, binding type).

4. Example Listings:

– Product A: Hardcover diary, 100 pages, MOQ 200 units, price $1.50/unit.

– Product B: Spiral-bound diary, 200 pages, MOQ 100 units, price $2.00/unit.

– Product C: Softcover diary, 150 pages, MOQ 300 units, price $1.20/unit.

5. Translation with Deepl.com:

– Copy Chinese text and paste it into Deepl.com for translation to ensure accuracy in understanding specifications and seller conditions.

6. Comparative Analysis:

– Hardcover Diaries: Price range between $1.30-$1.70 depending on design and MOQ.

– Spiral-bound Diaries: Price range between $1.80-$2.20 influenced by page count and cover quality.

– Softcover Diaries: Generally cheaper, ranging from $1.00-$1.50 with higher MOQs.

7. Additional Costs:

– Consider shipping, customs duties, and potential VAT. Contact suppliers directly for these specifics.

Using 1688.com and Deepl.com, a diary trader can gather detailed pricing information efficiently to make informed purchasing decisions.

Compare China and Other diary trader: Products Quality and Price,Visible and Hidden Costs

When comparing China’s dairy products with those of other major dairy producers—such as the EU, the United States, and New Zealand—several factors come into play: product quality, pricing, and both visible and hidden costs.

Product Quality:

China’s dairy industry has faced quality control issues in the past, notably the 2008 melamine scandal. This has led to increased scrutiny and regulatory efforts, improving standards. However, high-quality dairy products are often at a premium and are less consistently reliable compared to established dairies in New Zealand, the EU, and the U.S., where quality assurance is more standardized and trusted globally.


Chinese dairy products tend to be more competitively priced due to lower labor and production costs. In contrast, dairy products from the EU, the U.S., and New Zealand might come with a higher price tag but often reflect their higher production standards and stricter regulations.

Visible Costs:

Visible costs include purchase price, transportation, and tariffs. China’s regional production offers advantages in domestic shipping costs. Imported dairy products are more expensive due to higher tariffs and shipping costs, which can make foreign products less affordable.

Hidden Costs:

Hidden costs involve factors like long-term health implications, environmental impact, and supply chain transparency. The suspicion concerning Chinese dairy product safety lingers, potentially leading to higher medical costs if quality lapses occur. Additionally, environmental regulations may be lax, resulting in detrimental environmental impacts that are harder to quantify. European and New Zealand producers generally follow stricter environmental standards, but these come at a higher operational cost which is often passed on to consumers.

In summary, while China’s dairy products are often more cost-effective, concerns about quality and hidden environmental and health costs persist. European, American, and New Zealand dairies offer higher trust in quality and safety but at a higher price, reflecting their stringent regulatory environments.

Tips for Procurement and Considerations when Purchasing from diary trader

When procuring dairy products from a trader, ensuring quality and consistency is crucial. Here are some tips and considerations to keep in mind:

1. Quality Assurance:

– Check Certifications: Ensure the supplier is compliant with local regulations and holds necessary certifications, such as HACCP or ISO 22000.

– Product Testing: Regularly test products for quality and safety.

2. Reputation and References:

– Reputation Check: Investigate the trader’s reputation in the market. Look for reviews and ask for references from other clients.

– Track Record: Choose suppliers with a proven track record of reliability and quality.

3. Pricing and Contracts:

– Transparent Pricing: Ensure transparent and fair pricing. Compare rates with market prices.

– Contracts: Draft clear contracts detailing product specifications, delivery schedules, and payment terms.

4. Supplier Audits and Visits:

– Regular Audits: Conduct periodic audits of the supplier’s facilities to ensure ongoing compliance with quality standards.

– On-Site Visits: Plan occasional visits to inspect the production and storage facilities.

5. Sustainability:

– Sustainable Practices: Prioritize suppliers who follow sustainable and ethical farming practices.

– Eco-Friendly Packaging: Look for suppliers who use environmentally friendly packaging.

6. Logistics and Delivery:

– Efficient Logistics: Ensure the supplier has a robust logistics network to prevent delays.

– Cold Chain Management: Since dairy products are perishable, ensure proper cold chain management during transportation.

7. Communication:

– Effective Communication: Establish clear lines of communication to resolve issues swiftly.

– Feedback Mechanism: Have a feedback mechanism to continuously improve service quality.

8. Legal and Compliance:

– Compliance Check: Ensure the trader complies with all local and international dairy regulations.

– Risk Management: Identify potential risks and have contingency plans in place.

By focusing on these considerations, you can ensure a reliable and high-quality supply of dairy products for your needs.

diary trader

FAQs on Sourcing and Manufacturing from diary trader in China

FAQs on Sourcing and Manufacturing from Diary Traders in China

Q1: Why should I consider sourcing diaries from China?

China is a global leader in manufacturing a wide range of products, including diaries. The country offers competitive pricing, skilled labor, and advanced manufacturing facilities. Additionally, you can find a broad variety of designs and customizations to meet your market needs.

Q2: How do I find reliable diary suppliers in China?

Start by checking online platforms like Alibaba, Made-in-China, and Global Sources. You can also attend trade fairs like the Canton Fair. Look for suppliers with good reviews, verified status, and a long track record in the industry.

Q3: What should I look for in a supplier?

Ensure the supplier has experience, robust manufacturing capacity, and the ability to meet your quality standards. Verify their certifications such as ISO, and check for past client reviews and case studies.

Q4: What are the standard payment terms?

Common payment terms include 30% upfront and 70% upon shipment (T/T). Some suppliers may also accept letters of credit (L/C). Be cautious with unfamiliar suppliers and consider using escrow services for added security.

Q5: How do I ensure the quality of the diaries?

Request samples before placing a bulk order. Insist on a quality control process, and consider hiring a third-party inspection service. Define clear quality benchmarks and material specifications in your contract.

Q6: What is the typical lead time for manufacturing?

Lead times can vary but generally range from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the order size and customization requirements. Always factor in an additional buffer time for unforeseen delays.

Q7: Can I customize the diaries?

Yes, most suppliers offer customization options such as logo printing, cover material, page layout, and binding types. Discuss your requirements in detail with your supplier to ensure they can meet your specifications.

Q8: What are the shipping options?

Diaries can be shipped via sea or air, depending on urgency and budget. Sea freight is cost-effective for large orders but takes longer. Air freight is faster but more expensive. Discuss Incoterms with your supplier to clarify shipping responsibilities.

By carefully selecting your supplier and establishing clear terms, you can efficiently source high-quality diaries from China.

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