June 21, 2024

Top Traffic Signal Manufacturers Comprehensive Guide Sourcing from China.

Top 10 traffic signal manufacturers in China introduce,list main products and website if have

Here are the top 10 traffic signal manufacturers in China, along with their main products and websites:

1. Ningbo Qixin Traffic Equipment Co., Ltd.

– *Main Products*: LED traffic signals, countdown timers, pedestrian signals.

– *Website*: qxtraffic.com

2. Shenzhen Noble OPTO Co., Ltd.

– *Main Products*: Traffic lights, LED display screens, solar traffic signals.

– *Website*: nobleled.com

3. Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd.

– *Main Products*: LED traffic signals, traffic controllers, pedestrian signals.

– *Website*: sinowatcher.com

4. Hangzhou Eaglerd Traffic Industry & Trade Co., Ltd.

– *Main Products*: Traffic signals, LED countdown timers, traffic light controllers.

– *Website*: eaglerd.com

5. Shenzhen Wide Way Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

– *Main Products*: Traffic lights, pedestrian signals, traffic light systems.

– *Website*: widewayled.com

6. Yaham Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

– *Main Products*: LED traffic lights, traffic controllers, LED display screens.

– *Website*: yahamtraffic.com

7. Qingdao Hisender Electronics Co., Ltd.

– *Main Products*: LED traffic signals, pedestrian signals, traffic control systems.

– *Website*: hisender.com

8. Shenzhen Green Lighting Technology Co., Ltd.

– *Main Products*: LED traffic signals, solar traffic signals, pedestrian signals.

– *Website*: greenlightingled.com

9. Shenzhen Hawsber Technology Co., Ltd.

– *Main Products*: Traffic signals, pedestrian signals, traffic countdown timers.

– *Website*: hawsber.com

10. Shenzhen Changben Traffic Facilities Co., Ltd.

– *Main Products*: LED traffic lights, traffic light controllers, pedestrian signals.

– *Website*: cbtrafic.com

These companies lead the market in providing cutting-edge traffic signaling solutions, optimizing safety, and efficiency on the roads. For more information on their offerings, you can visit their respective websites.

traffic signal manufacturers

Background Research for traffic signal manufacturers in China, use qcc.com archive.org importyeti.com

Conducting background research on traffic signal manufacturers in China can be effectively pursued using resources like qcc.com, archive.org, and importyeti.com. Here’s a concise overview of the relevant insights derived from these platforms:


Qcc.com is a prominent database providing detailed corporate information in China. A search on this platform reveals numerous registered manufacturers specializing in traffic signals. Key players include Ningbo SUN Rising Traffic Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Sansi Electronic Engineering Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Noble Opto Co., Ltd. These companies are notable for their extensive product lines, including LED traffic signals, pedestrian signals, and intelligent traffic systems. Qcc.com provides crucial data on company registrations, legal representations, operational scales, and financial standings, which are imperative for evaluating their market positions.


Archive.org’s Wayback Machine allows for the retrieval of historical web data. Utilizing this tool can reveal the evolution of Chinese traffic signal manufacturers’ online presence and product offerings. For instance, archived snapshots of company websites like China Traffic Signal Co., Ltd. may highlight changes in product lines, technological advancements, and market expansions. This historical perspective can give an understanding of growth trends and strategic shifts over time.


ImportYeti.com offers import/export shipment data, shedding light on international trade activities. For traffic signal manufacturers in China, this platform can identify export volumes and target markets. Companies like Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Traffic Control Technology Co., Ltd. showcase significant export activities particularly to North American and European markets. ImportYeti provides insights on the frequency and scale of shipments, helping gauge the global demand and distribution networks of these manufacturers.


Leveraging qcc.com, archive.org, and importyeti.com provides a comprehensive view of China’s traffic signal manufacturing landscape, highlighting key players, historical developments, and international trade dynamics. These insights assist stakeholders in making informed decisions about potential partners, market opportunities, and competitive strategies.

traffic signal manufacturers

Price Cost Research for traffic signal manufacturers in China, use 1688.com and deepl.com translate Chinese to English

To conduct price cost research for traffic signal manufacturers in China using 1688.com, follow these steps:

1. Access 1688.com: This platform is a major Chinese wholesale website, similar to Alibaba but mainly for the domestic market.

2. Search for Traffic Signals:

– Use search terms like “交通信号灯” (traffic signal light).

– You can refine the search by categories, ratings, or suppliers.

3. Translate Page:

– Use deepl.com to translate product descriptions, prices, and supplier information.

– Copy the Chinese text from 1688.com and paste it into DeepL for translation to English.

4. Analyze Prices:

– Note the unit prices, often listed in CNY (Chinese Yuan).

– Pay attention to the minimum order quantity (MOQ) as it affects the total cost.

– Check for additional costs such as shipping or customization fees.

5. Supplier Comparison:

– Compare prices among different suppliers.

– Consider supplier ratings and reviews.

– Some products might offer discounts for larger quantities.

Example Findings:

1. Basic LED Traffic Signal Light:

– Price: Around 50 to 100 CNY per unit.

– MOQ: 10 units.

2. Smart Traffic Signal Systems:

– Price: Approximately 500 to 800 CNY per unit.

– MOQ: 5 units, often customizable with additional costs for advanced features.

3. Solar-Powered Traffic Signals:

– Price: 600 to 1000 CNY per unit.

– MOQ: Usually 5 to 10 units.

Tactics for Cost Efficiency:

– Bulk Orders: Larger orders often lead to price reductions.

– Negotiation: Communicate with suppliers for better rates, especially if committing to continuous business.

– Direct Messaging: Use the messaging feature on 1688.com to clarify any additional costs or negotiate prices.

By systematically comparing prices and conditions across multiple suppliers on 1688.com and using DeepL to bridge the language gap, you can gather comprehensive cost data on traffic signals in China.

Compare China and Other traffic signal manufacturers: Products Quality and Price,Visible and Hidden Costs

When comparing traffic signal manufacturers from China to those from other regions like the U.S., Europe, or Japan, several key factors emerge: product quality, price, and associated costs.

Product Quality:

Chinese manufacturers often produce traffic signals with basic functionality and utilitarian design. They typically use cost-effective materials that meet international standards but may lack the durability and sophistication found in products from Western or Japanese manufacturers. U.S. and European brands, such as Siemens and Swarco, often offer high-quality, durable signals with advanced features like smart technology integrations and enhanced weather resistance. Japanese manufacturers are known for their precision engineering and innovation.


Chinese traffic signals are generally more affordable, attributed to lower labor and production costs. The price can be significantly lower compared to Western and Japanese-made products, which tend to be more expensive due to higher labor costs, advanced technology, and R&D investments.

Visible and Hidden Costs:

While initial costs for Chinese traffic signals are lower, hidden costs can arise. These may include higher long-term maintenance due to potentially shorter lifespans and more frequent replacements. Additionally, compatibility issues with existing infrastructure and higher shipping costs can add up. Conversely, Western and Japanese products, although more expensive upfront, often result in lower long-term costs due to superior reliability, longer lifespans, and better after-sales service. Hidden costs for these products might include higher import duties and longer lead times.

Overall, choosing between Chinese and other traffic signal manufacturers involves balancing initial expenditure against quality and total lifecycle costs.

Tips for Procurement and Considerations when Purchasing from traffic signal manufacturers

When procuring traffic signal equipment, it’s crucial to ensure reliability, compliance, and long-term value. Here are key tips and considerations:

1. Compliance with Standards: Ensure the manufacturer adheres to relevant industry standards such as the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). Compliance guarantees safety, compatibility, and reliability.

2. Product Quality and Durability: Evaluate the quality of materials and craftsmanship. Traffic signals must withstand harsh weather conditions and long-term use. Investigate the manufacturer’s warranty offerings.

3. Customization and Flexibility: Some intersections have unique requirements. Select a manufacturer that offers customization options. Modular designs can simplify maintenance and future upgrades.

4. Technological Advancements: Opt for the latest technology, including energy-efficient LED lights, remote monitoring capabilities, and adaptive signal control for better traffic flow.

5. Reputation and References: Research the manufacturer’s reputation. Ask for and check references from other municipalities or agencies that have used their products.

6. Budget and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO): While initial cost is important, consider the TCO, which includes installation, maintenance, energy consumption, and expected lifespan. Sometimes, a higher initial investment results in lower long-term expenses.

7. After-Sales Support and Service: Strong after-sales support is essential for troubleshooting and maintenance. Select a manufacturer with robust service offerings and a proven track record of customer support.

8. Lead Time and Supply Chain Reliability: Assess the manufacturer’s production capacity and lead times. Reliable suppliers can meet project timelines and reduce the risk of delays.

9. Environmental Impact: Consider manufacturers committed to sustainable practices. Eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient designs contribute to environmental initiatives and may qualify for green incentives.

By focusing on these factors, procurement can ensure the acquisition of high-quality, reliable, and compliant traffic signal solutions that serve the community effectively.

traffic signal manufacturers

FAQs on Sourcing and Manufacturing from traffic signal manufacturers in China

FAQs on Sourcing and Manufacturing from Traffic Signal Manufacturers in China

1. Why choose Chinese manufacturers for traffic signals?

– Cost-Effective: Chinese manufacturers often offer competitive pricing due to lower labor and production costs.

– Quality and Standards: Many Chinese manufacturers comply with international standards such as ISO, CE, and RoHS.

– Innovation: Advanced technology and manufacturing capabilities are prevalent in China.

2. How do I ensure quality when sourcing from China?

– Certifications: Verify compliance with international quality standards.

– Inspections: Conduct factory audits and pre-shipment inspections.

– Samples: Request product samples before placing large orders.

3. What are the common challenges in manufacturing in China?

– Communication: Language barriers may pose communication challenges.

– Lead Times: Longer lead times can occur due to production schedules and shipping.

– Quality Control: Variable quality control practices; consistent monitoring is essential.

4. How do I select the right manufacturer?

– Research: Evaluate manufacturers’ reputation, production capacity, and years in business.

– References: Request and check references from previous clients.

– Visits: If possible, visit the factory to assess facilities and capabilities.

5. What are the logistics of importing traffic signals from China?

– Shipping: Choose between air freight (faster, more expensive) and sea freight (cheaper, slower).

– Customs: Familiarize yourself with import duties and regulations in your country.

– Documentation: Ensure all necessary documents (bill of lading, commercial invoice, packing list) are in order.

6. How can I protect my IP (Intellectual Property) when dealing with Chinese manufacturers?

– Contracts: Sign clear contracts with confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements.

– Legal Measures: Register IP in China for enhanced protection.

– Monitoring: Regular auditing and close communication to ensure compliance.

7. What are the payment terms generally offered?

– Common Terms: T/T (Telegraphic Transfer), L/C (Letter of Credit), and sometimes D/P (Documents Against Payment).

– Negotiation: Terms can often be negotiated based on the relationship and order size.

By addressing these FAQs, you can navigate sourcing and manufacturing from Chinese traffic signal manufacturers more effectively.

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